

Open to all independent investigators engaged in skin research in academic institutions/ industry /pharmaceutical companies and also to clinicians, Student and Resident researchers in skin field.

Regular membership:

  • Regular membership is open to independent investigators directly engaged in skin research in Canadian academic institutions or in Canadian industry/pharmaceutical companies.

  • Regular members have full voting rights and can be elected to serve on the Executive Board, except that those employed by the industry are not eligible to be the president.

  • Regular members (academic) shall pay the annual membership fee (currently $50).

  • Regular members employed by industry shall pay a membership fee of twice as that of academic members (currently $100).


Associate membership:

  • Associate membership is open to all interested Canadian Scientists who do not meet the requirements for regular membership, including Research Associates and Research Assistants and non-Canadian scientists in the field of skin research.  

  • Associate members shall be required to pay same dues as regular members, except that Research Associates and Research Assistants pay the same dues as Trainee members.

  • Associate Members are entitled to all membership privileges, except that they shall not have the right to vote nor be eligible to hold office.

  • Associate members (academic) shall pay the membership fee (currently $50).

  • Associate members employed by industry shall pay a membership fee of twice as that of academic members (currently $100).


Honorary membership:

  • Honorary members shall not be required to pay annual dues and shall be entitled to all membership privileges, except that they shall not have the right to vote nor be eligible to hold office.


Trainee membership:

  • Trainee membership is open to trainees enrolled in a recognized academic (B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D., M.D., DVM, BEng., MEng. or equivalent) training program in Canada or abroad, and also includes medical and surgical residents and post-doctoral fellows.  

  • Trainee members do not have the right to vote nor are eligible to hold office.

  • Trainee members (students, residents, post-doctoral fellows), and Associate members who are Research Associates or Assistants) shall pay reduced membership fee of half as that of regular academic members (currently $25). 


Application process:

Any independent investigator who is qualified and interested in becoming a member of the Society shall complete and submit an application form and will become a member of the Society upon approbation by the Board of Directors or the Membership Committee and the payment of the required dues. Please note that dues shall be fixed by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. 


Termination of membership:

A member's membership in the society terminates when

  • The member's term of membership expires,

  • The member resigns,

  • The member is expelled in accordance with the bylaws.

The rights of a person as a member of a society, including any access to the society information, cease to exist when the person's membership in the society terminates.